Sprint cell phone

Really looking for an Iphone 4 or 4s or 5, will consider a droid but really prefer an Iphone. Let me know what you have with a price. MUST BE SPRINT!



Gonna be selling my iPhone 4s white 16gb for Sprint. Always been in a case and in great shape. How much do these go for today I wonder? $200-250 it seems.
Throw me an offer if you’re interested. IT IS A SPRINT PHONE! :slight_smile:

Its not actually for me, its for my buddy but pm what your really looking to get for it mike.

I have a iphone 4 black 8gb the back glass is a little cracked but the front works great. $75 and its yours.

Ill pass this along to him thanks!

I have a HTC EVO 4G Shift that I have been using as a backup phone, but am ready to buy a new phone. Would be willing to get rid of it for $40

Bump hes looking to spend around 100


I still need an excuse to sign up for 2 years elsewhere. Clean iPhone 4s!!!

Im not trying to lowball you man but he said 100 is his limit because he just had to put all the money into his car lol.

ive got a 32g white iphone 4s laying around since i just upgraded to a 5s but im going to be looking for around $250.

will come with original box, a charger, an olloclip and 5 cases.

I have a iPhone 4 works perfect , never had a problem. I upgraded to the 5c. Only flaw is the back glass cracked but with the cover I had on it’s all still in one piece. I can included a charger also. $100 btw sprint iPhone too