


I’ll move you to trash bin not battlefield

whats with people changing their names lately? Is it the new cool thing to do?

Well benny did it so it’s obv. the queer thing to do

ohhhh ok, gotcha… thanks!

Don’t you have sticks to be picking up on your front lawn?


nope, i do need to mow it though.

i’ll mow it for 20$

you have a deal if you go pick up the dog shit in the back yard too

$30 and ill pick up the dog shit and mow the lawn

nah, lawn takes 10 minutes to mow and the dog is smart enough to poop behind the garage. out of site, out of mind ;D

besides I could pick up one of those mexicans I see walking down 155 everyday and have them do it for $3.35.

mexicans = .26cents a mow

How has this thread lasted this long?
