SRT4 vs Cyclone

I thought i’d post it on pittspeed because of the many srt owners :slight_smile:

hahahahahahhahahahaha outstanding… s-series > neon

Nothing like having an AWD truck that has enough power that you can spin the rear wheels with a brake stand…


Sucks to have a skittle.

what u drive a Milky way?

Syclones/Typhoons are bad ass trucks.

My “milky way” would wipe the floor with your rustang.

:bsflag: Its gonna break before you even get to the track.



My 87 5.0 mustang broke even more than my dsm does.

would or did???

e-race much?

noooooooo no one here bench races what were you thinkin

srt was stock but those trucks are mean

anyways my dad’s 87 GN was dead even with a typhoon

i’d rather have the srt-4

if I have a truck, I want to be able to use it like a truck should be used, hauling shit. not some prettied up queen like a syclone

IBstartingfightsfornogoodreason :slight_smile:

Wait wait wait…

You buy an SRT4 because its fast, not because its a family hauler
If your lookin for a family hauler, get a regular Neon

You buy a Syclone b/c its fast, not because you can haul lots of 2x4’s
If your looking for a 2x4 hauler, well, you have a pic of one in your avatar.

For what they are worth, which are performance vehicles, Syclone>SRT4

I was expecting better :smiley:

I’ve hauled my family in mine (with my mom bitching all the way…)

From me? hahahahahah I make a funny statement on here about once every month.

My month’s quota was already used up making fun of SleeperGTP breaking his wrist twice.

hahahaha SRT owned. …rrk :rolleyes:

yea, that was pretty damn funny


hahahahahahaha my mom wouldnt go near my blazer if I payed her… True dual exhuast, flowy 40’s, and a 350? She runs from it when I fire it up like its the damn plague.