St Pattys Day!

Post up your party music.


STFU noob.

Pandora, Chieftains/Flogging Molly/The Coors/Dropkick Murphy comes up with a pretty cool mix.

I win.

How often do you fags listen to this shitty music during the other 11 months of the year?

Who are you and where’s the Geoff that doesn’t suck?

lol, apparently I hit a nerve with Mike


Nah, there is some issue from the last merge… I will have your account fixed soon :slight_smile:

I agree with that stupid noob, Geoff.


When I think of the Irish I think of a great race. Gingers, freckles, alcoholics, and the curse of the Irish

This song basically sums up the entire Irish race

An Irish guy walks out of a bar…

No , really, it could happen!

You would make this shitty thread.

Oh sure we protect everyone else on here but not the foockin Irish?!? Sure go ahead and pick on us, we can take it!

Quite a bit.

Although I find it a bit annoying that everyone does this on amateur day.

When I think of amateur day, I think of the day before Thanksgiving or New Years Eve

This is the only music my friends listen to so you could say I listen a lot. :slight_smile:

This is great one for from the famine era…

Not Really Irish but has that feel to it.
