Stang up bitches

:lmao :lol


God i hate people :lol

  • I love all the hater comments on the video!!

Fucking peanut butters.

Wow im almost embarassed to own a mustnag now…almost :lol

hey sean what to stang up tonight?

we stang up all day everyday we meet up at the ughhhh across the street from best buy. my boy kata boy bout to tell ya more.

shit son my bad


your jelous you aint part of their crew dawg.

as if ford had a bad enough name now the brotha,s are helpin it out

I would punch every one of those fucks in the mouth if i ever saw em :lmao

watch it thats a lawsuit


Cool! ;D

White notch > all

Some of those are way too jigged out. Lambo doors are queerer than Elton John and Boy George combined.

22" rims need should not be on a mustang, except POSSIBLY…Mayybee a S197, b/c a 20" looks about right on it…

Jigga rims never look good on Mustangs.

your going to tell me that 22 inch wheels on a mustdang dont look good?