*starboys creative bored thread.

to big use this one
![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/mulletsig copy.jpg](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/mulletsig copy.jpg)

bigger is always better!

there’s no words below the chevy now.

words were the best part!

ok happy?

where’s my riced out donkey?

like pewter said i need a picture of you :bigthumb:



and finaly the mullet desktop

put him leaning on a mustang with the door open and that snazzy porno red interior in the pic. then you will have a pic of chad

that would be a better pic if he was leaning on cutty spoiler

Whoa, where did you find Pewters high school pic from?

Porno red > your life

i wasnt that skinny! :slight_smile:

Right click > save as


pimp! I like it. Thanks man!

ooo how about one for the top of all the invoices at my work…

the company is called Allegheny Warehouse & Distribution… its like a warehouse and dock shit for freight and what not… idk u can make up a slogan or something… jsut a sweet graphic and the words all sweet…

hmm and if u get really bored… do a banner for 1990//\x6 with a stock maroon mx6 lx/gt in the background… thatd be awesome bro!! thanks

wow, your talking about business. Which means “business is business” for me that means money. Id be glad to make one if i get some loot. Check with your manager or boss or w/e. Its not like i charge great amounts