whats jay doing???
winner gets something from domination chassis

whats jay doing???
winner gets something from domination chassis

he’s saying to himself “why the fuck did I click on that thread Quik made? I wish he’d grow a set and take a header off a bridge or something”
honestly darkstar how much money will it cost me for you to come here and say those same words to my face? get out of my thread and mods delete his post
Thinking aboiut buying that VW thats there,he is just getting ready for the gayness that is brought upon u as an owner of one.
“haaaaaaaaaaay guys!!!”
“mmHMMHMMM, get in my belly!”
Badger Badger Badger? and BTW that “Homer” bucket with the packing blanket masking taped to it is good shit :bigok:
Jay’s trying to win over Jeff with his abundant knowledge of dressing himself and personal hygiene skills.
Like the guy in Dodgeball when they were washing his truck…
finger in belly button “Yeah, boy. Right there.”
Trying to gain support from the gay/lesbian groups for the PINKs project.
Lol that’s what I was going to say.
Get in there real deep like. I need to watch that movie again.