are there going to be any babes? i’ll only go if there are babes.
im in
^ babes would be a plus. im gonna be out there about 9ish. scanz89 is ridin shotty. looking forward to a bigger meet than 5 cars.
ill prob be there with my bf
i will be there…that’s all that matters
Did you see the pictures of the one from last year? I can only imagine. And plus it’s Rochester… :meh:
I should be there with a few peeps
I showed up late I guess… 11:10, nobody was there.
Oh well, next time.
How was the turn out?
They went to mighty… i showed up as everyone left
i was looking forward to those little chick shaped marshmallow treats you promised…you really didnt come through did you
Got a quick run in with Andy 300zx who is always good for a run and did a 30-70ish pull and pulled a good car and was a decent turn out at mighty too :tup:
haha i lol’d
you were on my opposite side and i couldnt see your lights so i figured you fell back a little, we will have to set this up this weekend for a re-rematch LOL
damn. you guys are meeting at starbucks now? This means I could fill my starbucks coffee addiction and checkout some cool cars :tup: