5/13/06 First city meet

Hey all

Just giving info for those who are intrested in attending these. all is welcome
I will be posting up info soon on where are the bad roads are and what you want to avoid.
but there not to bad

It will be may 13th at 9:30 pm at BWW on Elmwood. which is a Saturday. Weather pending.

city meats?

who the hell does that…

^:lol: when i saw city…i was thinkin nyc

Will you be responsible for them stealing the valve caps, centers, radios and those type of things ? :smiley:


sounds like a good idea to me:tup:


dos meets = :tdown:
dos at meets = :tup:

yea i dunno about that one… if you want to assclown around and get stuck at red lights all the time this may be a meet for you but it doesnt sound as fun imo. I could be wrong though.

if u wanna have a city meet ur best bet is somewhere up on delaware in northbuffalo up by delta sonic next 2 andersons there is a big ass parking lot thats always empty between andersons & applebee’s it’ll b a lot better than elmwood & better traffic & the lot is 420x’s bigger than mighty taco

all i got to say it stop being bitches lolz i’ll be there i dont think its gonna be bad at all. as soon as you see or read Buffalo City meet you pee in your pants…anways i will be there hope to see anyone else who comes.

lol… I used to live in D.C., I don’t think Buffalo makes me pee in my pants. I just have no desire to hang in that particular parking lot because it is known for problems. Enjoy yourself…

Maybe. If I’m around…

I’m Down

do you guys ever do anything in the rochester area??

you might want to check out roclife.org for that. more spefic for rochester area.

So, What do we have, Like 3 people so far… Stop being bitches, I lived in the city half my life, nobody is going to fuck with you for no reason. Unless you start some shit, other-wise you have nothing to worry about.

nobosy cares if people start with them.its just out even further of most peoples ways

in like sin.

hmm, i want a new truck but owe too much on the current one, maybe if i showed up with “Cocaine inside” painted in bright orange. I could get the insurance money after some feind steals it and guts it. Gotta love buffalo :lol: