Looking Mighty nice out today....

I was thinking of rolling up to Andersons tonight or something…anyone game to chill at Andersons tonight??? Say 8-ish or so…

wow…an andersons meet…mad old sKool!

keeping it interesting

which andersons?

isnt that an ice cream place? (im from fredonia remember)

yeah its an ice cream place/fast food i think

the one on sheridan…by the Mighty on delaware ave…

ok if im bored



I remember Anderson’s meets.

everyone should just come to the DSM meet at BWW on Elmwood 9ish :slight_smile:

oooo maybe i will go to the DSM meet…cause its down the street from meeeeeeee

usually good turnout???

wats bww, and where on elmwood

BWW = Buffalo Wild Wings…

and it’s in the plaza where regal is on elmwood basically its kenmore buffalo boarder

well it depends on where everyone goes. if everyone decides on bww then ill stop by there

I’ll go. anderson’s or BWW doesn’t matter

i may be down we’ll see how the night goes

where abouts on elmwood? I am still going to Andersons but may drop by BWW bout 9