Domessick guys BWW/cruise 11/28

a little late notice…

got an exam at 5…then i gota get the car back together, but it would be nice to get a little crusie goin…

TBSS 853

any other mustang, fbod, vette, viper, etc etc etc
i know some of you guys are off teh road…
and i just thot of this list off the top of my head, didnt mean to leave anyone out…

i guess some of u import boys can join too…:hang: :lol:

meet up at BWWs around 8:30-9?

who would be interested?


ur god damn right…

now if only ur car was running…:shrug: :cry:

damn wish i didn’t have class at 6 til late :bloated:

I might be down for this. I have to make sure you arent driving around on my rims with flat tires again anyway :lol:

it would be off the road even if it was :frowning:

9pm i assume?..if were doing this we wont cruise out till later anyway…stop by…

ur right… theyre prolly at like 5psi now…the cars been sitting… but again, i owe u.

pussy:violin2: lol…

the only reason my car’s still out is becuase im waiting for my dads new cold storage building to go up… where i usually keep it (at my dads place) is pretty packed with work…and im gona be working on it so i dont want to put it somewhere i cant get to it. im repainting it anyway…so its been out in the elements. ill start the teardown over winter break

BWW is that off abbott in OP? i seam to recall going past before

transit past sheridan

ur thinking of BW’s (bruce wills) chicken and ribs… that place is very good too

Ok now i’m confused being i live about 1/2 mile from transit & sheridan

duhhhfh buff wild wing geezz i’m lame

I’ll head on up there…how late is too late to meet you guys?

i got work till 10. I’ll give you a call when i get out to see if you guys are still around.

list looks nice … but there are a few non running cars on that

depending on what time we get there, we’ll be there for at least an hr… prolly head out by 10:30 at the latest …idk it depends… pm one of us if u need a phone #

bump…whos coming…

as of now:

turbo ls1
TBSS (firehawk 853)
muscle50 (possibly)
lxstacy (possibly)
jeeves (possibly)

Jesse has no motor in

im aware…i just talked to him, he might come up anyway

I wanna go. anyone call me 400-5511 if you see this before you head up.

on my way, now