for those of us who are stuck at work on saturday…
im proposing a second cruise/meet for sunday, we’ll say meet at Mighty on sheridan and egger (or somewhere else if you guys want) at 1 and go from there.
if some1 wants to let me ride shot that would be cool, cuz the R/T will not be making an appearance im affraid.
can i suggest making it later? this past weekend’s cruise was a good time, but too many cars on the road on a weekend-day…if we wait till late night, the roads will clear a bit and it’ll be a bit less dangerous
of coruse, i’m just assuming people will be driving like dicks like a few of the people this past weekend’s cruise did…if everybody at this event plans on going around the speed limit and easing into lane changes, then daytime will be fine
i mean if you wanna meet and hang out at 1 that’s fine…but i honestly dont think it’s safe or as fun to cruise until around 11ish or so…and it’s be dumb to meet at 1…go home, and come back to cruise later…mighty’s open late anyways, why not make it like the normal summer meets and everybody show at 10ish, hang out, eat, talk…whatever, and 11ish or so cruise…
a lot of people bitch about having to work monday morning…but half the time, those are also the people that are awake posting until 2AM anyways :bloated: so that’s just a bonk excuse for not wanting to cruise later if you ask me…
and of course, this is just my suggestion…as i already said about saturdays cruise where they wanna meet earlier…that’s fine, but i’ll probably try to put together my own later that night…as i would with this one if you decide to keep it early since it is your meet you’re calling…
sunday’s sposed to have spotty showers…and the possibility of dropping back to the 30’s at night…
saturday is rain free thus far, and while having a lightly lower high temp for the day, the low temp is still in the 40’s as well…and since it’s a night cruise, and i have no heat…i will want the highest low temp possible lol