Starcraft 2. 07/27/10

Yeah WoW has been subscription based since its inception, never heard of a RTS game being pay to play online though. I thought was going to remain free for everything except WoW and was more designed just to get everything organized under one umbrella.

I see.

I’d really like to find out. A computer pay to play online game that’s match based could be a huge failure. I’m not sure how I would feel about that, technically it shouldn’t be since anybody can be the server and there is no central data that needs to be stored except minimal score ratings.

This is what I thought too.

can’t wait for this to come out. used to own peeps back in the day, lol was hackers paradise. I hope they fix that shit.

Pre-ordered it last night and got the Beta Key. Shit’s legit, man… Graphics are really nice, blow the old one out of the water (I’d hope, seeing as it’s 15).

But the most epic thing is, it seems to completely carry over the feel of the old one!

charging for where did you read this?

And yes, is totally re-done. Much better now.

What did it end up costing? I will probably just wait, PC games drop in price alot quicker than console games(usually).

You can drop $5 down at Game Stop and get the Beta Code. I just paid the whole damn thing off to get it out of the way, though.

BTW, if anyone picks up the Beta and wants to play, friend me… my email address is, my user name on Battle.Net is Doombringer.

Trailer for StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm


Love how the cinematics make it look like Crysis, but no its still a top down RTS with sprites :rofl Protoss Carrier FTW

Still hooked on Borderlands 2, then I might go back to Starcraft. No one really plays it though. Except South Korea maybe.