Station Square today

u to huh shaggy and that someone else too…i wont say his name he gettin a lil mad!! just j/k though

im lost

about needing car fixed to have fun!!

i have a 1/4 mile in front of my house to have fun on :kekegay:
banged up or not :rofl:

dam no good pics of me :frowning: oh well good video :slight_smile:

:rofl: We seen enough of your videos :kiss:

theres more !!! more than likely no dvd but a posimadness 4 !!

I got down there to late…all i got to see was the fd up parkin lot

so many picture due to my video camera battery died
![ Heaters 043.jpg]( Heaters 043.jpg)
![ Heaters 013.jpg]( Heaters 013.jpg)
![ Heaters 016.jpg]( Heaters 016.jpg)
![ Heaters 034.jpg]( Heaters 034.jpg)
![ Heaters 018.jpg]( Heaters 018.jpg)
![ Heaters 027.jpg]( Heaters 027.jpg)

that orange stang is s turd

the pgh police watchin and cant do nothing hahahahah classic

Kinda scary… Im sitting there tapping and im just in a big cloud of smoke then a car flys out of it like 4 feet ahead of me smoking em. Im like Whoa! Son.

wow looks like alot of fun!, damnit i should have pulled in… but didnt you have to pay to get into the parking lot? i had no money on me

it was all free some people pitched some money but most didnt even pay.


some questions— why can’t the cops do anythng? someone elaborate please?

also, looked at teh pics. good job 4-3. 1st pic is an ass shot!!! way it should be, lol

because the parking lot, was rented out by street heaters (that tv show) and insured. Meaning, it was private property. Police weren’t able to enter the property to issue any citations because of it. And it was deemed a controlled environment

Pittsburgh PD :owned:

thnx. never seen street heaterz or whatever on tv…

5:00pm saturdays. on wbgn