Status seats. GONE!

newman should buy these now that both at up for grabs… they fit his color scheme perfectly.

i aggree!

I wear a 33-34 and I do not fit in these seats.

Ok well I do but my legs go numb after about 10 minutes.

Interesting; I was informed otherwise but maybe it’s the seat design? I dunno, but whatever. I know pole positions can house the bigger dudes comfortably. I think Status makes a larger size seat called the ring GT or whatever model you like with a GT after it; I’m not sure if it’s already been said in here though…
Actually for the OP, are these seats cloth or alcantra? That also dictates the price.

The key here is if you are planning on buying seats, these (which appear to be mint!) or others, go sit in them for 30 minutes before you decide to buy.

If you dont want to buy them then why all the questions. If someone is actually interested in them they will ask if they are cloth or alcantra. If you know what dictates the price you should be able to look at the price and know they are probably cloth.

Thanks! i aggree completely, if anyone wants to test fit their butt in my seats id be more than happy to accommodate that :smiley:

I was trying help you out as I feel that’s pertinent information for anyone who’s interested in buying them.

But digressing, this is a good deal regardless :headbang:

$2k bump

I know Newman mentioned buying these. The carbon kevlar is a close match to his exterior color and the name has a ‘mad euro’ umlaut in it. Seems like an all around good fit for the e30.

Nice seats, GLWS

thank you!

i was actually looking at these exact seats some time ago
such a good deal
one seat alone is like 1900
glws dude :tup:
if my financial situation changes ill take these off you asap

do it!!!:eekdance:

haha if only my ass was a bit smaller. clean seats! went and saw them when stopping there. suprised with the price these are still for sale!n

Free bump :slight_smile:

no one at 2k!!!

hey man ill give ya two k for those and coils but thats all i got lol
p.s. i got the money now

Edit: I was talking about other parts! cant afford the seats! Still wish i could. so free Bump again

Sold to me!



Thank you for smooth transaction!