steelxitysix taught me some things I didnt know about myself tonight

and I must say, I am a better man for it. I can’t wait to see you again you delicious man beast.

Most fear my maleness…but not this one

Basically, Chad loves hot musty rams.

lol did whitey get the gum off his pants?

yes! peanut butter works!

I’m sure it does…

sweet jesus I had just about blocked that from my mind. Thanks alot Laura! :squint:

haha your welcome


wheres the pic of mike’s teeth?

ill give you a torn dollar for those sexy teeth you had last night. oh and how much money did you give the bum?

did anyone get one?

oddly the teeth were found this morning in my back pocket?!?!?

tree dolla

I needed a good laugh today…thx

no problem Dan