straight lost my phone

i lost it like sat night or some shit so i’ll get another one on monday morning

so i lost all ya numbers and all that stuff…

dont text or call till monday


My number is on my website that you refuse to re-register the domain on :hug

yo son that sucks, fuckin losin a phone makes me wanna straight up start trippin

You guys have phones?

oh…i would have guessed you GAY lost your phone…thanks for straightening that up for us! :tongue


I know Hometown was expecting you monday like 1 , call them if your not goin… lol

Buddy you go through phones like a fat kid with pop-tarts.


Which phone will you be getting?

Singh and his phones have a relationship similar to parents in the middle ages to children.

They may have them, but they don’t expect them to survive so they don’t care about them or even name them until a few years into it.