streeming bills game?

Does anyone know where I might find a streem of tonight’s bill’s game? I’m out of town and its not on TV here.

I searched and couldn’t find it on there.

i cant seem to find it listed in local programming either.

It will be aired here tomorrow at 7pm on channel 7

haha, its not on tv locally?

The water was streeming down by the streem. I was watching this on my tv screan.

My use of English is still > your use of the steering wheel.

Stearing wheel. has it listed but it is the wgr feed. Haven’t been able to find it anywhere else yet.

is the game on tv or not?

I heard it was on TV in Detroit.

no the game is NOT on tv.

this blows…i guess ill have to listen

The game is home and not sold out so that is what happens.

I know that’s normal protocol, but I didn’t think it applied to pre-season.

Apparently it does. Oh well, college football is on. :burnin:

Yeah, I was surprised it wasn’t on :
Probably because TO isnt playing :stuck_out_tongue:

Yay for the end of Bills preseason games. Bring on the regular season heartbreaks!!