Street Drifting, JDM Styles

Mark, you maniac you…that corner is now calling me this spring… :lol:

to bad u pussed out a racecity!!!..everytime u coulda went for it big, u backed out…u cant back out on that thing or your done for!!! but u looked better than me at the race city demo! but thats cause i had a crap tuned car!!! damnit u shoulda let me put my rubber on, and take a couple of lappers in the vangualler wagon!!!

to bad u pussed out a racecity!!!..everytime u coulda went for it big, u backed out…u cant back out on that thing or your done for!!![/quote]

I got it good once. By the time i was comfortable with the big link my tires were too far gone to do it any more…or andrew was in my way… :stuck_out_tongue:

when u make real smoke, tires only last 15mins a constant burn, lol we streched them to 20-25…