streetbike jump


:rofl: :rofl:
I honestly didn’t think he was going to get up

a guy that worked for me used to do that shit on his r6 all the time…:slight_smile: nut! I dont think he ever wrecked doing it tho


i kno it felt real good when his back tire got him in the back of the head/shoulder area

Another street bike jump from Nitro Circus.

[ame=“”]YouTube - Travis Pastrana Foam Pit BAD CRASH[/ame]

i honestly thought the 2nd guy was gonna pull off a full front flip .

Mother of god, that looked rough.


I don’t think sportbike + jump would ever result in anything good. haha.

I’d say so, since it’s a STREETbike…
But what are ya gonna do, people are going to do crazy shit no matter what you tell them.

He would have made it had he not been sitting down.

That’s just stupid, you have to stand up, would have happened on Dirt as well if he rode like that.

wow that had to hurt