stripper fail

[ame=“”]YouTube - Stripper Fail[/ame]

hahahahahahahahah at first i thought her dad was gonna walk in. hahaha so much better

that was great.

that was so dumb till that shit landed on her hahahaha

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


shag that shits old but still funny

floyd only thought the first part was dumb because he :grouphug: :bukkake: with men ya know:slap:


lol thats awsome. she cant shake it for anything, put a lil meat on those bones…and ill give ya a few lessons…

anyways…talent is when you use no hands… (wink)

blow me frank:bj: that girl is ugly as hell and cant dance

dammit she was tryin! haha

Truth im never sleeping over his house again :scared:

and vid was great i lold

hahahaha your a funny :zzz:
