
i thaught that all v8s were black and v6’s were painted

all are

it looked like it was painted…just curious thats all

He had it painted recently. For some reason it was blue before, and was fading.

this is a STELLAR thread



this thread sucks, neg rep to OP

adam ,how does paulies run .im fixin to find out sat lolol

Decent, not setting the world on fire, but its a fun car! Ask K20 how their race came out…

i know , i also know how the k and mine turned out but traction was a big factor

Get some sticky foo!

i do ,i had streat tires on that night

Me and Pauly were dead nuts from a roll with him having more top end(which is expected with his gearing & F.I.)…Got emmmm from a dig though :lol

we had a pretty good race to john. it would been nice if your FP wasn’t actin up and my clutch wasn’t smoked.

we can try again in the spring when i get my twin disk put in, it’ll be stock like it is now and we can see how that goes…

yeah john we can line up too, o wait… i haz no car:ahh

ill race everyone …ill be the new racehore ,ill bump adam

gotta beat an 11.1 though.

Wont happen :lol

doubtfull also ,ill give adam his props his car does work .ill be happy with a full interior car doin 11,s .remeber my car still has all the options exc a/c