Stuck at a redlight?

Its not what I meant. I know about the sensors in the road.

For the intersection I brought up, they changed the placement of the lights, but not the sensors. So before when the lights hung over the middle of the intersection, everything was good. But since they put the new lights up, they are farther away from the intersection (essentially directly over where the sensors are.)

So you either stop farther back so you can see the light when it changes (which it won’t unless someone else approaches form the other side) or you stop where the sensor is but then you can’t see the light (so you don’t know when it actually does change.)

Hope that clarifies what I wrote.

I usually turn right, then ‘u’ turn a ways up, come back and turn right again.

i know exactly what you meant. i was referring to the OP waving his arms around like an ass.

me waving my arms around is purely out of comical frustration, that’s all… and i’m sure you have heard much more idiotic statements than that (this is nyspeed, after all…)

Those magnets seem to be the key, so that’s the route i will go. Until then, i’ll try the kickstand idea.



hahaha fine. FINE! you caught me. I guess i just never really knew what caused lights to sense vehicles. SO today, today i learned something.

(i’ll probably still wave at them, but just to say hi)


Just fucking run them.

if you see the metal bar, i do roll back and forth and it sometimes triggers them too

Seriously, just cowboy up and go through it.

I wait a reasonable amount of time, look carefully around, then go through slowly. I don’t really think a cop would write you a ticket for it after seeing that.

You wont need to permanently mount it on your bike either. It has a pulling force of 368.22 lbs!

^ You really don’t want to fuck around with neodymium magnets.

  1. You’ll lose a finger the first time your finger comes between it and something metal.
  2. You’ll scramble anything magnetic that gets close to it (hard drives, credit card’s etc).

I’ve used electic motors made with tiny ones before and the magnetic power is just insane.

That’s a hell of a fridge magnet.