stuff for sale

actually just sold it like 4 hours ago, my bad.


im gonna stop in and pick up the crapsmen shit and paint sprayer today on lunch broskiiii

ok cool

Still looking for a 52-55" LED homie

still havent gotten em lol… poor people dont normally buy expensive leds lol

thanks for the stuff today david glad i could catch you on one of the two days a years your opne

:number1 haha, stop by anytime my man

yea im problly gonna scoop that movado off of you ill know tonight or tomorrow, think it would clean up good at a jeweler?

Would look brand new w a polish

whats the model number on the panasonic 42?

Best line I’ve ever read. Signed in just to say that lol.

lol that’s hysterical!

I need to check this shit more often.