Stupid on wheels: SW's TT Lambo racing LMR's Vette and a ZX-14

Holy fuck…

I dont think I’ve ever seen anything so ridiculous.

Although is it possible the bikes sprocketed? Would throw the speedo off a bit… but still the acceleration that bike has and the fact the lambo just walks away

as stated I think that lambo would nearly shit on anything…

Says in the vid it’s +1/-1 which would throw it off a little, but not a lot unless he got it recalibrated. Besides it’s a ZX-14 with a 50 shot, it’s fast trust me.

i was banned?


Hmm, twas such a good banishment that I didnt even notice :lmao

Dammmmnnn, all three of those cars were moving. That lambo is unreal. Would take a lot of technology to have something better than that

selling my house now!

why bother showing up.

true story

Sucks that the stock lambo trans is speed limited. I think I read he had problems with the rebuilt unit that will let the car go 240+ and had to swap it back out. When is the texas mile event?

The vid says the bike has a speedohealer… so the speedo is correct