Stupid on wheels: SW's TT Lambo racing LMR's Vette and a ZX-14

From TX2K10, just fucking nuts. Look at the bike speedo, then watch the lambo pull away :wow. I. Am. Slow.

Oh, the ZX is on a 50 shot as well, just for perspective…

holy FUCK

watched from 1:00-on like 5 times :excited

Same. I needs moar monies!

The black F-body is some 1004rwhp tt jobby as well.


goddamn!!! haulin ass!!!

Omg that is absolutely redonkulous!!!

Thing is literally unbeatable on the street. Dig or roll I feel like that thing would shit on everything all over the place.

Its not even at full boost, its at like ~1200awhp right now!! UGR wont even release to SW what the car made on full tilt boogy apparently… :excited

That is just redic i tried counting they did like 60-180 in like 9 sec

Holy fuck that bike got shit on hard

yeah SW doesnt mess around… his is the “slow” UGR Gallardo at liek 1250whp.

Maxed out on “low” boost it made 1725awhp :ahh :ahh

ohhhh wowwwwww

top speed of…202mph gear limited. must get there in a HURRY

holy shit


wtf why was adam banned? cuz he tried to lock the BS thread?

Oh shit!

So redic. Bike guy has balls.