Suggestion Thread

K-20power on his buddy’s name

No the nesting quotes are ghey

and so is Code Blue :stfu

what do you two do? fuck each other in the ass while talking about k20’s

mike, :stfu

It’s Joe on Mike’s name because im too lazy to log into my own name on his laptop ;D

sorry guys, but LOL :lol

code blue isnt gay…his bf is

Ordered a mug, a keychain and a 4x6 poster. We’ll see how they come out.

Make donation thred so the paper can be in color!!!

and another, we should have monthly awards like

biggest post whore (joey)
uses the most smileys
gets off topic the most
biggest fight starter
biggest ego
best car/truck “Ride of the Month”
Biggest b.s thread (we all know)
Best info giver

Just some thoughts

just curious if i’ve ever met you (hooked on 240) just because you know my name :lol maybe i’ve met you with sean at some point? or at the lot?

I would rather to stay away from Donations. I have never really given any, and I’m not expecting any. Donations are extremely unreliable source of income and if that’s the way to get an issue out in color, the next one might not be, so it’s not worth it. Plus I wouldn’t expect more then $100 out of it total, which is really not enough to color.

I like it, like the yearly awards, but monthly. Once I get my act in order and have enough time to do it, I could do it monthly. Maybe some of the mods will take it upon themselves to make them, to make it easier on me. I’m not sure if you’ve seen the Shift518 Members awards thread, but that’s what it was like.

no, just sean says your name all the time, but he was trying to get me to race you in december, b/c i beat a type-s… big deal

Vlad, ya ive seen it, but its funny too see everyones reaction from the yearly one that was up

:lol i poop on rsx’s

anyways…the monthly would be a pretty good idear :nod

psi2high :nono

I have a suggestion. I don’t know much about site hosting but is it possible to get it set up so that when you are scanning over the forum topics (without opening them) a preview of the topic thread shows up, so you can get a glimpse of whether or not the topics is worth you opening?

lazyness FTW

ok guys… seriously.

monthly awards for a fucking internet forum?

are we kidding?

are we feeling THAT unimportant and we have THAT much of a need to feel successful at something that we need monthly awards? I thought the yearly thing was kind of cheesy, but the monthly thing is simply too much

no one really cares wat you thing J lol jk man :banana

I personaly think it’s a nice and unique way to reward the members plus it’s not like it they are real awards. :confused