Suggestions for my "expired teen pop" mix:

what about ja rule/ashante songs?

or ja rule/j lo

oooo new radicals - youve got the music in you

that one song that goes ive seen better days… ive been the star of many plays? or something

aaron scares me knowing all of this shit wtf! :lol:

best song evar WHAM!!!..Jitterbug


Willa Ford - I Wanna Be Bad


ughhh willa ford is so hot

jessica simpson - irresistable.

the so so def remix though…obv

This Is Your Night - Amber
Be My Lover - La Bouche

DUDE… get at me on AIM I’ll zip you my pop archive haha. Back in the day I made cd’s for people in H/S and pop is what was in (ah wth who am I kidding, its all for me)

summer girls, by like o town, or something




anything by 2ge+her :lol:


that show was fucking great when it was on lol


aaron scares me knowing all of this shit wtf! :lol:




Spice Girls - Wannbe :lol: