Suggestions on new case?

Im gonna build a new home computer im looking for a nice case any suggestions?? something sweet looking :lol:

Thermaltake >

a bit expensive but one of the best.

Antec are also pretty good… They are sturdy and reliable. Probably not as expensive as the Thermaltake either.

Blah put money into your car.


actually… a DIY case would be cool. use the frame from a generic and do with it as you please.

yeah i agree antec is very nice, theyre PS are right up there with thermaltake, pc power and cooling, etc…

Antecs are boring…

I want something with some sweet neons


The uber niah has spoken :slight_smile: Seriously it looks like hes hosting a disco party in his office when the lights are low.

Go on and get whatever ricer case is on sale.

ricer cases are uber l33t y0! u wont get fl4m’d for that h3r3

i gots a Lian Li. Nice stuff, very SHEIK.

If you really wanna rice your case out, you can go with an acrylic case:
That’ll really let the neons shine through.

I’ve always preffered the conservative, yet sturdy (and all aluminum) construction of Lian Li cases:
A little more pricey, but worth every penny IMHO.

Or you can go for the Transformer look:

Browse their site, they’ve got more than enough when it comes to cases and other necessities for system construction. You can get UV reactive cables and shrink tubing, etc.

And the nice thing is they’re in Rochester, so you could go pickup the case and save on shipping if you really want.

Here it looks like a turbo. :slight_smile:

This is the one i have…Thermaltake Shark Case