Sultan of Brunei selling exotic cars he never drove.

I can’t imagine 7000 god damn cars.
Holy fuck.

Interesting. I get all of these Sultans and Sheiks mixed up.

It’s very easy to get them mixed up with all of them having rediculous amounts of money

makes me wonder where i went wrong in life…

You weren’t born into royalty LOL.

Assuming thats how you become a Sultan???

Palestinian Limo!

AUD 200 BF9797 WAUZZZ44ZEA180972

what about aladdin? he had robin williams though…

spread the wealth sultan, some of us be starvin in da ghetto!

That is insane, I see he even has some AC Cobras too. Does he own every car ever used on a video game or what? Maybe he is just a huge Gran Turismo fan and wanted to own all the cars.

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I give up. anytime i post the link it shows up blank or this. His video collections on live leak.

That collection is right here in the states… belongs to a man named Ken.

Nice. Just saw the title and relayed the video.

haha… Ken’s last name is Lingenfelter if that helps. The “Sultan of Michigan”

ridiculous car collection

Isn’t there a track, or a car named the Lingenfelter or something like that?


yeah lingenfelter raceway is situated on the bay of fundy.

materials. most people just use it as medicine.

not cool


would own quite a few cars myself given the money, but I’d drive every single one of them.

I am serious in saying that if I owned a CGT it would see snow. Lots of it.

nothing wrong with that. you are a car guy, hes not.

What he is doing is comparable to you getting rich and buying ten thousand pounds of jelly beans because you had one and liked it