Sunday "mighty meet" @ mighty taco , Sheridan and Eggert

Im posting this here as well as This is an effort to get a good sized meet going once a week at a reasonable time for people that may have to work the next day and what not :tup:

Well here we go! Lets get something lined up that people can plan on and make an effort to attend. Hows this:

Sunday evenings @ ~8pm - whenever at good old mighty, come up shoot the shit and whatever. For the more adventurous members we can always set up a cruise a bit later in the evening when traffic lets up. Lets set this to start next week to give everyone a fair weeks advance notice!

I like it! :tup:

Let’s do it.

Keep in mind though, hot chick with make-up academy doesn’t get out till 9pm.

Sunday nights work for me. Should be able to make a few.


I got here at 830 and none of them to be found?

^ I passed by you about 10 mins ago on the bike, lol. Maybe they don’t have class on Sundays.

hey im in :slight_smile:

Tonight people! Weather pending of course.

If its clear tonight :tup:

If I have my New trans back in :tup:

Since a lot of people have off Monday

Sunday night :tup:

:tup: for tonight

Rain/lightning/thunder and my exhaust is currently dragging very low :lol:

getting a good group of people for tonight with a cruise. Stop out.

Sunday Sunday Sunday

What time do people show Sunday night?