Sunglasses Thread

How do you guys afford such expensive sunglasses… Wayne and I both have 2-3 pair of $20 sunglasses :down

I just am veryyy careful with them for the most part. Plus I’m outside just about every second of every day during the summer between my 2 jobs and just enjoying the weather so its a worthwhile investment for me.

my eyes are really sensitive to light so I always like to get good polarized glasses that keep all light out on the sides so I just buy like 1 pair a year…

I suppose if you’re using them for your job its a good investment, I just can’t justify spending more than $20 on sunglasses when they continually get squished and broken… maybe it’s just me!

Aviators all day, all night.

Day and Night son!

i’ve had a couple sets all of them had the stupid rubber ends start falling off and annoying shit like that. and the lenses scratched much easier than my natives…

how did you accomplish that? I always buy Oakley or Ray Ban and my Oakleys have never gotten a scratched lens… maybe i just baby them? no nm I drop them all the time and no scratches lol…

Same here.

I bought a $120 pair of polarized glasses at Sunglass Hut like 4 years ago, came back to my car, looked at em, slapped my self upside the head mentally for spending so much on something so useless, and then went back and returned them.

I paid $24 for my polarized sunglasses at a rest area near Syracuse. Same performance, just not name brand.

I have spent easily over $3000 on sunglasses in my lifetime and that is with still to this day a 30-50% discount via sunglass hut

That is the truth pretty much.

My dad drove over my pair of Juliet a long time ago, and all it did was tweaked the frame a little bit.

Mind you, he drove over it with the Odyssey, so like 4000+ pounds or something?

Called up Oakley HQ and they told me to send it in for repairs, and they ended up telling me to just send them like $130 or something like that? Ended up getting a brand new pair with brand new lenses and everything.

<3 those.

Although I’ve filled out a bit in all directions since I bought them originally in like 2000, so I think I need to get something a little wider, like the old Romeos, to fill out my fat face.

oakley does the for most of their repairs. They just tell you to give them $XXX.XX and they send you a new pair

I just found out my Ray Bans are scratched, WTF! I saw my Oakleys’ lens grind right onto a bolt before and thought for sure they were scratched bad. But not a single mark on them.

Yeah I scratched my Smiths’ lenses pretty good by dropping them.

Oh well, they were only like $75 or something? Thinking about picking up another pair to replace that pair since the frame or something must have tweaked, as it seem to be way too loose on my face now for some reason.

the sun never sets in the land of the cool

I dont even remember the last time I owned a pair of sunglasses. Probably 10-15 years ago.