Super Troopers 2

ramathorn lolssss

ah great movie haha






hope it’s not fucking lame. It will have a lot to live up to.

i’m gonna need a liter of cola

Does that look like spit to you?

“ah fuck it”

now that is the movie dialog that we need not fast and the furious.

that movie probably has given me the most quotes more then any movie EVER

Damn, its going to be tough for this movie to live up to the first Super Troopers. I hope it does.

thank God its still the broken lizard guys…


It will be disappointing.

Club dread?

nah I think it will be good. That was their niche.

I was a fan of Club Dread. No one else was, though.


This is actually THE movie I’ve been waiting for. Here’s to hoping it doesn’t suck.