SWAP MEET THIS SUN OCT 11th @ Dunkin Donuts Sheridan & Belmont

anybody else hear anything about this yet? I just came across a couple posts on cl about it, sounds like its gonna be sweet so I’m def planning on being there. Headed down to the shop now to dig out as much shit as I can

9am - 1pm
supposedly free vendor space just show up and buy or sell

ps mods- sry couldn’t decide if this fit better in meets or parts classifieds & didnt want to x2 post

fyi this is not a large event. might not be worth the ride from roch.

i would have to agree there, its only a standard dunkin/hortons/etc size lot but I have a feeling it’s going to spill into neighboring lots. They do a lot of car shows there and the spot is quickly gaining in popularity

i went to this 2 years ago and not a single other person was there. id say if your not local dont chance it. the weather will kill it if its not nice out.

man dont tell me that i already got the truck loaded with a ton of shit