Sweet rainbow

This just appeared outside:

i remember where this is gonna go…

:repost: shags mom’s camera style


the pictures are no longer on the web but i found the thread :blue:

Eh oh well, my kids got all excited so I thought I’d post it up.

your kids > shaggy.

nice hayundai

it ended in the park across the street for me!

did you find a pot of gold?

i don’t know what’s gayer… :greddy:

the fact that there is a rainbow picture post, or the fact that it’s not the first rainbow picture post.

nope :frowning:

Well I thought it was pretty :slight_smile:


:ugh2: i guess its cool? :dunno: is that tuscani chicks old elantra?

^^haha what’s up w/ the f-you to AZ? :rofl:

It is a cool rainbow pic, you rarely catch them all the way to the ground :slight_smile:

This state sucks balls. And so does the school…no im sorry, the kids that go to this school are idiots.

Not to mention, a kid brought a sawd-off(spell?) shotgun into school friday night in my Brakes Class he had it in his bookbag and was showing everyone… FUCKING IDIOT

In that same night, 3 cars were broken into and 1 car was stolen.

dude it ends right in that shed

go check it out, maybe there’s a yenko in there