Syracuse Nationals

Big show at the state fair grounds starts tomorrow. 6500 cars and lots o stuff
I’m leaving in the am at 7. If anyone wants to blow off work tomorrow i’ve got an extra 2 seats in the car. Comming back in the evening

fuuuuuck, I wish I could skip out tomorrow.

do it nick. were meeting at transit rd exit at 7

Pauly, we’ll be there around 6pm tomorrow. Staying through Saturday night.

Can not wait! :slight_smile:

I’ll be there. My dad has his Belvedere II registered. Last year was my first year it was great.

sweet maybe you can catch some siq ass street races with the SSR fagz.:walter:

ill be going down sunday for the festivites, eventhough the good shit is on sat.

Heading out tonight. Some fun after show activities. Then hanging out all Saturday. I am so looking forward to this.