
ok i saw this movie last night, and seriosly had no idea wtf is going on…

i thought it would be an intresting movie, but really wasent…

i guess if you are really in politics and know wtf is going in the world then it is for you.

for me i thought it was gonna be like a bourne identy. boy was i wrong.

get a 3rd job… you have too much time you spend doing dumb shit

It was OK… A bit hard to follow if you don’t know how the government “really” works as well as the current situation with Iran. It was a see once kind of movie. I really thought there would have been more of George Clooney doing bad CIA stuff but what can you do. It does make you wonder a bit.

i loved it

I wanted to see it, but figured it was more of a political “take that” type of movie… (ya know, something you can see on any cable news network lol)

I’ll probably go see it after kong/narnia

I hated Traffic (same director) because there was so much jumping around in the plot. I read a review that said there was more of that in this movie than Traffic, so I won’t be wasting my time with it.