t shirts?

anyone know someone that does screen printing? or have some hook up on shirts or anything?

the quality is ok you can set up your own store and have more then shirts + you set the price at what you want and anything over the set price is profit

Originally posted by whitey
anyone know someone that does screen printing? or have some hook up on shirts or anything?

not anywhere around RMU, unless you want to order like 100’s of them. :dunno:

Originally posted by whitey
anyone know someone that does screen printing? or have some hook up on shirts or anything?

in the south side there a place that does it

ask sailor

or haber they both knwo two guys that use to screen print

nice, cafepress is to small for what i want to do… and the quality kinda sucks there… I had some shirts done there before

hmmmm ask jay or eric who made our hybrid t-shirts…it was a pretty good price.

place in greensburg by the blind center prints good shirts. thats where c3 use to print their shit after they got big. or spend a grand and get a 4 screen press and do it yourself…

jonny b does good work
he is down my the water front
labtek grafix

The Slavic Group,


thanks all…

if you still need a good silk screen shirt guy . talk to Jeff in Dormont he is very good and does all my shop shirts . Jeff O 412 215 6744 . tell him shawn sent you .