Take this lollipop.

If you dare.


(have to login with your facebook account)


Vlad, that’s very PJB of you.


way too PJB-esque…

You should give the lollipop to PJB, considering his birthday is today :excited

Why did this transfer me to lemonparty?

How exactly is this PJB like?

You own this site and you don’t even follow it’s memes… Really?

I follow the memes.

PJB like posts are the ones that reply to a thread one a word or a sentence and go on to their own story completely unrelated to the topic at hand making him out to be the unique character that he is.

I posted a neat halloween like trick a day prior to halloween that has been going viral.


I’m not talking about PJB style posts… More like the child molester PJB jokes…


And the jokes crack when PJB makes a reference to a kit or him doing a creepy action.

You have yet to explain how me sharing that was “very PJB of me”


Even the new kid got the reference.

  1. There are lots of jokes about PJB liking farm animals, children, and F150s.
  2. Kids like candy.
  3. You make the thread titled “take this lollipop” similar to PJB saying “here, free candy.”

It’s not that hard to get. If you get it, you do. If you don’t, you don’t. It’s that simple.


There is more logic in the chem trail theory than me being linked to PJB like behavior for posting a Halloween viral site with a reference to a lollipop.

If you believe in it, you do. If you don’t, you don’t.

New kid just agrees to everything posted above him, it’s hard enough being new to begin with around these parts, I’m sure he’s not looking for battles.

So that just leaves you with the connection/comparison.

… All I was doing was making a comparison… Mission accomplished.

holly shit, you guys just went INNNNNNNNNNNN on an argument that weighs as much as salt on my pile of shit i just flushed down the toilet
