talk about this watch... more specifically... talk about the watermark...

i can’t decide if it’s racist, funny, or racist & funny.

that joint will get you the street-cred you need playa. :eyebrow:

IMO: it’s funny because it’s racist, and the bling-addicted ones won’t even get it. :tup:

Who cares, you can’t afford it anyway.


lol. someone posted it on the elise forum as a joke… and i saw the water mark and was like, WTF?

:gotme: They are obviously aiming this at Skunk. I dont get it?


this joint is hot though…

Spinners make everything… blinger(?)

Rofl at the watermark.

i want spinner glasses. or pants.

Spinners on rollerskates ftw. :tup:

racist and funny

Spinning grille FTW.

That must be your next DIY after SuperBeater.

Spinnaz fo yo feet!!

Drawn Together and the Board of Education FTW. :lol:

Click on the vid for “Board of Education”

Damn right, with chrome brakes too. And glittery bell-bottoms :tup:

lol very funny and racist… spinnaz on lowrider bicycles is going to be next. theyre already blingafide thats all they need.

american chopper had spinners on their lawn mower powered chopper a while ago.

and it wasent ghetto, it was just redneck.

Apparently you’ve never been to downtown Buffalo. Seen one or two blinged out “choppers”. :lol: