Target Shooting

Anyone here target shoot?
We “My grl and I” go to the Alabama swamps alot and do this.

But I was wondering
I’m buying this
it’s a Ruger 16" 9mm

Just wondering if anyone here knows if this might be good with distance shooting if I attached a scope.

I would think a 22 long would be better than a 9mm for distance, i guess it would work well for 100 yards or so.

i shoot trap if that counts

I shoot trap and some target (handguns only). Not very often, though.

i would stick with .22 based on the cost
.22 bullets are dirt cheap.
my ruger 10/22 is great for target too

I would go with a .22 for trap. Really helps improve your skill :slight_smile:

we did 22 cal. last year. Its funny we fucked this tree up! “Had to be there”
So i was hoping this season we can try some long range shit. Maybe a Colt AR15.

yeah but they are accurate as poo. They are fun though

i target head shots