Teh Interweb Question.

My internet connection works fine.

When I run Kazaa, and I download files, My internet connection hiccups once every few minutes.

Could Comcast be doing some kind of anti-filesharing thing?

dont use kazaa for anything…filled with spyware and other bullshit

I’m running Kazaa Lite K++ 2.4.1

seems alright… can’t find anything with ad-aware or spybot. any suggestions for a better P2P?

what are you d/l’ing?

MP3s, Aqua Teen Hunger Force episodes, old obscure music videos

winmx for mp3s
ATHF sucks
good luck

i have to agree… winmx is a hell of a lot better than k++ and i usually dont find fucked up versions of the songs.

ATHF > you

the mooninites > all

agreed, but Happy Time Harry holds a special place in my heart.

I use WinMX

imesh was getting full of electronically scrambled songs.

i still use imesh for vids and software though


P2P networks are not encrypted and what you are downloading can be tracked… If you guys are not aware Big Brother (RIAA) is tracking and aware of what you are downloading… I would suggest waiting till encrypted P2P networks are hashed out before I would download from them.

Also most of the shit is filled with virus, hacks, backdoors, and other things you don’t want on your computer.

or just simply-

remove the 2 way splitter ( between TV,Computer.) make Outside cable to computer
( direct connection )
Hiccup resolved,

carl’s crabs > *