
http://www.pittspeed.com/forums/customavatars/avatar15_1.gif :spank:

trying to jack my av??

ive never seen that smiley before. This is the very first time ive ever seen it. seriously.

Somebody please let me know if I am correct… that is a black guy (smiley) being chased by 4 police man (smilies)?


No, it’s 5 guys driving cars with invisible steering wheels! :kekegay:

Kinda hard to have stuff that has NEVER been seen on the internet before.

that smiley is called


I just wanted to make sure that I really was seeing a stereotypical racist smiley, and I wasn’t making it up. :eek:

It is funny though :smiley:

i glad you guys like it
its a rodney king smiley i posted last year. it was never added to the smileys.

I look at it as it’s only as racist as people make it…

it would be just as funny if it was some “wigger” white guy running from the cops.

Yes, it would be funny either way. :smiley: