Testing waters: For sale 93 S13.5

I dont have a blue 240. I think your refering to the Gold that I made using spare parts i had? Call it watever you want because 1) I didnt ask you for your opinion and 2) I dont give a Damn what you think cause the car was in no way built for you. Run along Spencer Wong.

Ya, I will pick them up on monday. Just have to move my lazy ass.

Looks decent, but I agree with everyone else… way too high priced, which is your own choice. I think you’d get about 8000$ max, not that you want my opinion. :wink:

Tru tru If some one offers me 8k Then ya i am down but we will see who knows I may just keep it and paint it. I just want some extra cash for the house ya know.

---------- Post added at 08:36 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:35 AM ----------

Mkvi how ever or what ever he is don’t really bug me I know there is alot of haters out there but meh. I know what toys i have and what i can get lol Love son for haters :smiley:

i say keep it, its hard to find a clean lhd 240, its rear like when we first started getting rhd cars. lol

Actually, if you hadn’t noticed by the username, I own two MKIV Supras. Pics upon request.
Get @ me bro.

lol Tru think i shall keep her. The house deal went threw. Plz lock Thanks for all the thumbs up guys

Is this Benson’s old car?

yes sir it was :smiley:

literally not one person on this entire forum gives two shits about your cars.

fuck off and let this guy sell his car.

BAHAHAHAHA…Love the Warf sig…

I wanted that thing so bad when it was a sil80. Had no coin at the time…time machines don’t exist…yet. lol