The aftermath of Kristina is really starting to get interesting...

thats why gas is goin up so much.there looking for a way to help rebuild that shithole.and we gotta pay more in gas to do it.where u think most of that money is goin?there is no gas shortage that we have to pay that much.bush is doin it so he has money to give them. FUCK BUSH

:bowrofl: what court???
paddle straight down this river - 3.3 miles
turn right onto orlean stream -1.6 miles
make left onto basston creek -0.8 miles
END at 324 basston creek

everything is under water! :rolleyes: :rofl:

no there is no shortage but they is a drop in production so supply and demand comes into play. we are goin to use some oil reserves but you can’t just open it up to lower the price a buck a gallon cause it would be gone in days. you have to remember the scale of what has happened. 300+ rigs are GONE or SHUT DOWN indefinatly till things settle on the mainland. they have to check miles and miles of pipe line to make sure it is not cracked. it has been 2 days here people hold your pants on

but it won’t be forever

couple months or soo lol
by then these people will be dead from the water, so just shoot em now

either way were still gonna pay to rebuild there damn city wether we want to or not

OK, heres your way to help.

salvation army

red cross

I would call you guys out on what you wrote in posts, but thats not my place.
Im pretty sure some will completely disregard this too. which makes me sick.

That really sucks for N.O. Best advice. Own a gun. Be by your shit. There is more than just killing someone that you can do with a gun. You can make them stop taking your stuff, cause the think you will. Guns are good… mmkay

believe me if I wasn’t a poor college student I would. even if I got my loan check back I would send a 100 bucks or so I would want someone to do it for me

alright dawg if your mom dad brother sister girlfriend bofriend lived down there you wouldnt care about spending some extra money to help rebuild… this is our own fucking country. if you want to bitch about rebuilding something go bitch about iraq we should of never entered into that country it was the wrong one. but we are talkin about americans right now our own people so what if they are poor i am to and im sure many others of us are also. stop being so selfish and pay the extra money for gas or whatever else was needed. those oil rigs in the gulf might as well not even exist right now thats how useful they are. get used to paying more for gas its not going down for a couple weeks.

Dude these assholes are on TV with shopping carts full of shoes and tvs, get your fucking head out of your ass.

i agree

excatly when etna was under water did u see the ppl there goin around looting?no! the ppl down there are goin to far with it.i can see maybe goin into a store takin food or stuff u really need but carring around tv’s and refriderators and shit like that its crazy

thats some cold shit…

I’ll bet statements like that really make your grandpa proud…

stupid and rediculous, yes… worth shooting someone over, I dunno about that.

i can honestly tell you that if all of the sudden it was total chaos here in OC because of a hurricane, I’d probably indulge in the once in a lifetime sweetness that is total anarchy and do a few things I couldnt get away with any other time. but then again, I’d be at the local pharmacy instead of the local Best Buy. :naughty:

:bigthumb: :bigthumb:

If I had a family that the rest of the country was supporting down there…Looting being Jackasses…I would still stand with my position of Shoot now ask questions later. Shit I have family that lives near me that I wish I could do that too -
Nessities = water, food, clothes - NOT Tv’s, Jewelery, Beer, Bikes ect…

who gives a fuck. if i could take a 50" plasma and get away with it i would. period

thats cause you’re from West Virginia and prob dont even know what a “Plasma” is…

the funny thing is, that all these dumb fucks stealing tv’s and electronics are stealing stuff from FLOODED stores. meaning it prob wont work.

dudes its not like the stores cant claim insurance