The Annual "Who do you want for next season" Thread

ill take that run.


I thought you were getting out of racing?

oh god… i heard that Count Dracula and the Creature from the black lagoon are teaming up to take pete out of the picture for good!

I facialized the black lagoons wife… He was pretty pissed.

Jdaniels coming on hard.

Hotwheels…if you dont own the car anymore, take the HUGE picture out of your signature.

you dont own those wheels anymore!!! lol jk

could have used yah a few months ago

Nope. I like the picture, something to remember my pipe dream by.

I know but its too much of a bad ass pic to remove until I get a upgraded one!

lol, i agree!

I just want Pete from a dig before my car blows up again lol.

Only from a dig so get your slicksss killa

what ! 30 roll muthafucka

skateshelter, sense when do you only do digs? Last time you told me your car is the fastest in 5th gear…

hes been hanging around with pete to much … thats why haha

Why the fuck are AWD cars not wanting to do digs.

I guess for the same reason they don’t get driven in the winter :Idiots

Best question ever