The Best Evolution Vid PERIOD


and this isnt a vid about the car

thats pretty sweet. wall flips don’t look that hard…

best le parkour vid i’ve seen

so how does someone become that “ninja” like?

taking a year of gymnastics and having absolutely nothing else to do in the UK

take crystal meth

I used to flip around and to all sorts of crazy shit…Till i got a fuckin job. For real though it was hella sweet.

i think the most imprssive thing is when they flip ONTO stuff. like 2 feet tall… thats baller.

its quite simple really…

You flip out for no reason, wail on guitars, and beat up every pirate you see.

<3 flipping out.

damn do those guys run from the popo for a living lol…thats fuckin sweet…i now how im breaking my next bone…ima go practice backfliping off the bridge at the maize.

theres my problem, i need to kick some more pirate ass

i could do that with both hands tied behind my back in my sleep :roll:

no shit… you dont need your hands to kick pirate ass, only your feet

I want to see the out-takes!

That is friggin sweet.

i pork 46 babes at a time while wailing on my guitar - don’t even wait for the day off, i do this after i go to wegman’s