The BEST fight scene EVER








this is sooo bad
I just kept hoping for it to end when i saw it

lol omg

so much of that was so incredibly unnecessary

yeah, see ya

Keep an eye out. :tup:

The good guys get all the breaks. I mean really, 2 on 1? How the fuck is that fair? The dude even had a badass name like Stingray and he STILL lost. Fricken good guys can’t fight fair. Had to pick on the jacked scientist and all.

gahhhhhhhhhh argh gaahhhhhhhhh gahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

I found a excerpt from the script. I see why the actors took the part.

Good Guy: yah
Bad Guy: Yah
Good guy: yaa
Bad Guy: yagh
Good Guy: Yah
Bad Guy: yaa

-bad guy tears off shirt: Yah
-Good guy tears off shirt: Yah
-Fight continues

good guy: Yah
Bad guy: yah
Good guy: yah
Good girl: yaa
Bad guy: Yah Yah
Good Guy: yaa

wow, that was just plain funny

this film was definitely made by a porn producer

i was thinkin the same…

:tup: amazing,I watched it twice.

The girl was fighting with one arm in a sling, yet she managed to do a back handspring. . . . :tup:

Um. If you’re being lifted by your eye socket, your head would lean back, and most likely the hook would break off part of your eye socket bone area of your skull. Whatever that area is called.