The Best Night So Far

Need to see vids.

Unlike Jack, when I’m at work… I work :slight_smile:

I’ll have them up before we head out to Bao tonight - earlier if the Bills suxor :tup:

who won the firehawk/big palms extravaganza?

big palms got it i beleive. thats gonna be a right click save as when its posted :smiley:

and hopefully Jack’s VR4
me racing those three bikes down sheridan should be funny :rofl:

im little palms, slow5.0 is big hands, and doesnt come on here yet :eekdance:

i think i know who mark is…i just like to tease…

besides, i called him little palms before you took the name :eekdance:


You can’t.


I was a chase car… it would look pretty bad if I pulled on the cars that were racing…

def. a fun time, :tup:

TurboLS1 vs Turbociv

Vid 1
Vid 2
Vid 3
Vid 4

i had big traction problems with 2nd and 3rd vid, 1st and last vid i didnt spin as bad. It wouldnt of made any ifference either way cause that ss is nasty as hell. The car just sounds soooo bad ass. I have a feeling it will be alot closer now that my nitrous is hooked up.

wrong. Right click, properties, copy location, paste in address bar, save to computer.

[quote="Twizted"] how do you save the vids from putfile onto you computer? [/quote]

:D: of course you can… I got bummed out too that i couldn’t save them either, so I figured this out…

to save putfile vids;

1- have the vid you want open, click view in your toolbar
2- click source
3- click edit
4- click find
5- type embed, click find next
6- copy and paste (ctrl+c, ctrl+v) the url of file at end of the “embed” line
into a internet explorer window
7- open with winblows media player
8- click file, save as … now u got it!

If it takes me being wrong for you to finally answer the kid, when you’ve been reading this thread since post one then :tup:

well its more fun proving someone wrong :eekdance:

plus i hadn’t bothered to click on any of the vids till turbo’s vids.

lemme know ill bring a better cam this time

Here’s your chance to prove me wrong again: Badass is not going to post the bighands vs. firehawk race. Give him a call and tell him to get it posted so we can all check it out :tup:

come on now, i had now problem showing the vids of me getting pwned. Its all in good fun.