The Best Night So Far

sure as soon as you post

Being done as we speak :tup:

Jeeves why don’t you just post it?

yea really, its not like people don’t recognize the cars anyways, nothing to hide lol

post what?

if you are talking about the firehawk vs. bighands video i havent even seen it myself. Badazz probly hasnt even taken it off the video camera yet. So its all on him.

dont ask me how, but i missed 4th in 1st and 3rd race… :shrug: i shud shoot myself…3rd i can understand…but 4th?

turbociv…lemme know when ur car is ready for spray…it should scoot real good…should be a good race

i heard that marcus showed up to race me :shrug:
:tup: to comin out…but next time ask me for a race before u leave…i was inside indulging in a taco. its what i do


just watched the last of the vids, damn good runs in there. nice to see it going down, especially with the cool (read: dense) air of fall in the, uh, air. :gotme: :smiley:

and to Onyx for taping all these runs, my hat’s off to you sir :tup:

vids! vids! vids!